CISB 2019
05 Dec 2019After the huge success of the first edition of the Conference of IEEE Student branch of Brescia (CISB), the student branch of Brescia decided to organize the second edition of CISB, CISB 2019! In this event, we will dive in the world of the computer science, thanks to the talks and workshops proposed by our speakers!
CISB 2019 will take place on December 5, 2019. We will held the whole event in room “Aula Consiliare”, within Universià degli Studi di Brescia, Engineering section.
We will open the room at 9AM (Italy time) by a small introduction of our IEEE branch. The Chair of the student branch will be the speaker of such (small) presentation. At the moment the schedule is the following one:
09:30 - Matteo Olivato in ‘Deep Learning e Cyber Security’
11:00 - Massimo Bono in ‘Configuration of algorithms via Python’
After the lunch break:
13:30 - Dario Pellegrini in ‘SwiftUI’
14:30 - Simone Caldarella will be the speaker of the workshop ‘Smile vs not-smile: real time classification with Machine Learning’
If you are interested in a certain topic (especially if you don’t know anything about it!) we highly suggest you to participate in the event! If you already have some knowledge on a certain topic, why not joining CISB 2019? It’s good way to improve your knowledge or to make connections with other people interested in the same topic!