Weekend with the Space Apps
01 Nov 2019
On 19th and 20th of october we have participated at the Nasa Space Apps Challange Brescia, as organisers
The Student Branch have collaborated with Interstellars association organising this fantastic event.
Our role has been foundamental, we have participated as:
- Technicians: organising the indoors spaces and the electrical consuptions;
- Mentors: listening to the participants ideas, giving them advices;
- Official Judges: our ex Chair Simone Caldarella has partecipated as a Judge.
Mentors and Judges
In this year edition, five teams have challaged wit the aim of find the solutions to the problems of the challange, selected by Nasa itself; challanges about Earth and space. The jury has chosen the best two teams, that now have the chance to compete worldwide.
The winning teams:
- PlasticBusters
- Caelium
The teams, working on their ideas to solve the challanges
For more informations about the solutions proposed by the winning teams of this year edition of Nasa Space Apps Challange Brescia check out the official page of the event.