15 Apr 2019With the project “Blindo” the team commit to create an educational device for blind students which allows them to study in a better way.
The flexibility of this device makes him usable in multiple ways.
“Blindo” allows the users to link an audio file with a physical button in a simple and intuitive way so that all the users will find themselves comfortable with this tool.
work in progress
The blind user could select one of the buttons and listen to the audio file linked with the specific button wearing head-phones or using an external speaker.
The sighted user instead could decide the suitable way of using “Blindo”:
record an audio file using a microphone connected with the device or upload an existing file from USB flash drive.
The team recording an audio file for tests
The connection between the audio file and the physical button is realized using a clean and simple graphic interface: in this way the sighted user will be independent and able to easily change the associations or add new buttons.
The capacitive touch screen was indeed chosen to give a better user experience which is the focus of this project.
“Blindo” first prototype was developed using a Raspberry Pi 3,as a single-board computer and the software was programmed entirely in Python3.
Members of the team
- Yari Bussi (responsible contact)
- Diego Berardi
- Samuele Ponzin
- Massimiliano Tummolo
- Simone Caldarella (observer)