CISB 2018
05 Dec 2018The first edition of the Conference of IEEE Student Branch of Brescia (CISB) has reached its end on evening of December, 5 2018.
Conference Organization
The first edition of CISB was first proposed by Massimo Bono. Quickly, several members of the branch took part in the project: Paolo Pasquali supported the event both as the co-organizer and as the main conference chair. The Publicity Commitee, lead by Nicola Onofri, had an essential role in the project: thanks to Michele Dusi and Andrea Rossi, the publicity commitee tremendiously helped by informing the students about this event and by keeping the attention high on its social media using incredible professional art graphics. Furthermore, they developed some quite interesting quizzes to maintain high the involvement about the conference speakers both on Facebook and on Instagram. The Publicity Commitee was the one managing Eventbride registrations as well: thanks to them, registrations for CISB event were greater than expected! Emanuele Richiedei volonteered for the event photographer and took amazing shots of the event itself!
The event started at 9AM when the organizers opened the Aula Consiliare room. In the morning there were three presentations, which got the students interested, each interleaved with 15 coffee break times. At 15:45, after a well deserved lunch, the public returned to listen two additional talks till the end of the event, closed by the Student Branch Chair Simone Caldarella. The conference took place at Università degli Studi di Brecia, and the talk schedule was the following one:
- [09:30->10:15] Bono Massimo in Introduction to Aspect Programming in Java
- [10:30->11:15] Pellegrini Dario in Kotlin: getting started
- [11:30->12:30] Caldarella Simone in Convolutional Networks
- [15:45->16:45] Rossi Andrea in Docker Container: Dev in your way!
- [17:00->18:00] Brancatisano Nikita in GaSP: A Unity3D Game
The conference took, as per organizers schedule, a whole day. There were some technical difficulties and some unexpected delays, but the organizers were able to efficiently react and handle them flawlessly: in particular the organizers had to update on the last minute the schedule to ensure both the public and the speaker could join the event.
The first edition of CISB is considered a success sine we were able to involve 46 students. If we count out the members of the Student Branch, a total of 33 students were interested in the talks. Some of them fully joined the conference, from start to finish. The project was completed with the complete support of Università degli Studi di Brescia: the university provided both the room (Aula Consiliare) and the nulla osta for the usage of both unibs and DII logos, used by the Publicity Committee while developing the publicity material for the Student Branch social media.
This terrific experience is huge success for the Student Branch and for sure the members gained a lot of knownledge about managing public events.
Are you interested in joining the next edition of CISB? Follow the event page (/!